Act fast, Los Angeles-area Beatles fans: A distinctive treehouse-style cottage that reportedly served as a dwelling for John Lennon is back on the market.

ABC News Radio reports that the asking price for the home is set at a little less than $1 million -- a healthy increase over the $879,000 that its current owner, Australian Olympic swimmer Ian Thorpe, paid when he purchased it in 2006. Although the Laurel Canyon residence is relatively small at 960 square feet, its listing promises "breathtaking wall-sized windows and elegant hardwood floors and ceilings," "a master bedroom influenced by Japanese architecture" and a large deck, yielding "stunning city views."

Interestingly, as Aol Money points out, there are "few hard facts" that actually tie Lennon to the property. Although he's believed to have stayed there with Yoko Ono during the '70s, no one seems to know exactly when -- or even how his name first came to be associated with the house in the first place. Lennon and Ono traveled to Los Angeles in 1970 to undergo primal-scream therapy, but his most prolonged (and infamous) L.A. stay came during his "lost weekend" period, during which the couple was separated.

Perhaps the truth about Lennon's ownership of the house will never be revealed -- or perhaps there's some lost artifact hiding under a floorboard or behind a closet wall, just waiting for the new owner to find it and make Beatles history. If you happen to have a million dollars handy, give it a shot and let us know how it works out.

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