Photo credit: Kmonroe2/ThinkStock

In another addition of "WHAT IS THIS WORLD COMING TO", a school in California has cancelled their annual "Santa Claus Field Trip" due to one parent's complaints.

The story goes like this...

An elementary school in San Jose, California usually does a "Dear Santa Claus" assignment and field trip each year. One mother has reacted to the assignment and field trip by complaining to the school district, which in turn has cancelled both events for the elementary school.

The field trip involves seeing Santa at a local coffee shop where they can talk about the holiday and give the kids a chance to talk to Santa about what they want for the holiday.

The mother who filed her complaint is Jewish and feels like the school should teach about all holidays in the same style they do about Christmas.

Other parents have now confronted the school board saying the mother has now ruined Christmas and are unhappy with the decision.

The mother states that she is being bullied by other parents and that she didn't ruin the holiday for anyone.


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