The classic Stephen King book turned iconic Kubrick film, inspired by Colorado's The Stanley Hotel, is getting a sequel in 2020.

Jenny Harding for TSM
Jenny Harding for TSM

This time of the year, it's all about visiting Estes Park's haunted Stanley Hotel (AKA the Outlook) and streaming The Shining on Netflix. Now, we can expect a sequel to the 1980 film with a grown up Danny Torrence, who obviously went through a lot as a kid. Torrence is reportedly played by Ewan McGregor.

Stephen King's Doctor Sleep was written in 2013, and is a followup to The Shining, but the director of the upcoming film adaptation, Mike Flanagan, has expressed that it is it's own separate story from the one about a family snowed into the Outlook Hotel one Colorado winter (so don't just expect another The Shining). Doctor Sleep will be released in January of 2020, and you can read more about it on Moviefone.

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